Beautiful Feet. That was the theme of our Mexico Mission Trip. On February 8th a group of ten missionaries went to Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico for eight days of intense ministry. Our focus was three-fold: Construction of a church building, evangelism, and fellowship with Mexican believers. Three of our team members were from Baptist Churches in Indiana and the other seven were from Eastwood.
It was a wonderfully successful trip. Only God knows the final count on people who came to Christ. We did see 27 people receive Jesus as their Savior!
I am very proud of this team in the good sense of the word. Everywhere they went they sowed seeds of the Word of God through Gospel Coins and Little Bibles. Very few people turned them down. Many came up to us and asked for more!
One of the unique aspects of this trip was the fact that the Pope was arriving in Morelia the day we were leaving. Security was tight, roads were closed and the population swelled to over 2 million. We visited the Cathedral where the Pope held one of his three masses. To the right is a picture of a lady on her knees on hard marble. She is trying to show her devotion to God. She obviously needs the grace of God and salvation. The belief that our good works can gain favor with God is a common stronghold in the lives of many.
Your pastor was able to stay a few extra days and travel to a tribe of people living in the mountains of a town called Tacambaro. They are called Nahua. We took NT’s in their language and the pastor distributed them to 15 families. The picture on the left is the presentation to the pastor. The worship service was well attended. One of the church members read John 3:16 in Nahuatl!
Thank you for praying for our team while we were gone. I texted key people each morning about current needs and requests. They, in turn, sent them on to others who prayed too.
Thankful in Jesus,
Bro. Gordon