
Our Little Steps ministry provides child care through various ministries for infants and small children during our regular church services. Nursery for birth through 19 months and Preschool for 20 months through 3 years. Your baby will learn about God’s love in a gentle and safe environment. This is only one out of serval of our Eastwood Baptist Church Ministries that are a great outreach to children of all ages.


Jesus loves kids and so do we! At Eastwood Baptist Church, we have a fun-filled children’s ministry designed specifically for elementary school children (4 years old through 6th grade). During regular church services, your children will learn about God in an energetic, safe, and caring environment. This is just one of our many fun-filled children ministries.

Learn more here https://eastwoodtulsa.org/ekids-childrens-ministry/

XA Students Logo

Our teenager outreach ministries are great! So have your teen come join us Wednesday evenings, for a powerful time of ministry, fun, and friends. Learn more about God’s plan for you while developing new friends!

Learn more here https://eastwoodtulsa.org/student-ministry/

Hispanic Ministry

Eastwood Hispanic Ministry is a dynamic outreach that is a great reminder that each of our Eastwood Baptist Church Ministries is meant to inspire and motivate others to reach the world for Christ.

Men’s Ministry

Tuesday morning prayer and Wednesday Bible Study

Women’s Ministry

Weekly Tuesday Bible Study


At the core of the Great Commission is a directive to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. Because Jesus’ heart beats for the lost, ours does too. We place a high priority on evangelism and reaching the lost.


We are dedicated to creating a caring community among our senior citizens. If you’re 55 or over, we have a network of older adults who are committed to sharing life and faith with you!

Senior Adult Fellowship – 2nd Thursday of each month.

Gospel Sound Choir

Adults that love to sing – Thursday at 1pm in the choir room 102.