Coats for Lindbergh Kids
The Coats for Kids drive in the month of December was a BIG success! Eastwood, you are the BEST! You never cease to amaze and surprise me. Every time you are asked as a congregation to help others, you go over and above. The administration and teachers of Lindbergh are so appreciative of the many coats for their kids.
We gave the school about 40 coats, some gloves and caps and one pair of snow boots. I took them to the school as they came in from you and the office girls started meeting me on the sidewalk before I could get to the door loaded down with coats. We all were ‘all smiles’.
Winter is here with days as low as 10º and because of your generosity, we have helped some kids and their families be ready.
Operation Christmas Child
Here is an update on our shoeboxes: They are in 108 countries around the world. In his recent newsletter, Franklin Graham said,
“As much as I’ve enjoyed seeing children squealing with delight at what might be the first Christmas gifts they have ever received, we need to remember that this is only the beginning in the coming months, millions of these children will also have opportunities to grow in faith as they participate in The Greatest Journey, the discipleship program Samaritan’s Purse has developed as a Gospel-focused follow-up to Operation Christmas Child. “
In one West African country, for example, a village pastor faithfully labored for 21 years without seeing a single soul accept Jesus. But once he handed out shoebox gifts to the village children, the Lord began to open doors and change hearts. Even the local imam was moved by what he recognized as God’s love. For the first time, young people gathered at the pastor’s home, where they have grown into a thriving church.
In this one country alone, at least 29 churches have been planted through Operation Christmas Child and The Greatest Journey. There are countless other examples around the world!
Remember our church filled 194 boxes just before Thanksgiving. Again, you seized another opportunity to reach out to other people.
Church family, I thank you for being so generous!