The prison official shouts, “Give me their names! Names! Tell us the names” but Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, tied up in a dark-and-dingy Romanian prison torture chamber, remains silent.
His face is bloodied, and his feet scarred from relentless beatings. The guards had offered him a deal: If he hands over the names of Christians to the Communist government, he would get a reduced sentenced – perhaps even be freed. But he refuses.
“It’s only a matter of time,” the prison official tells him. “Wurmbrand . . . Be reasonable. Your life belongs to me now.
A weak Wurmbrand, struggling for each breath, responds, “My life is not my own. I belong to Christ.”
The gut-wrenching and inspirational story of Wurmbrand is well-known to Christians worldwide thanks to his book that shocked the world, Tortured for Christ. Pastor Wurmbrand endured 14 years in a communist prison and became the “voice” of the underground church to the free world.
Wednesday night August 22nd, 2018 moviegoers will have a chance to watch his story unfold on the big screen when Tortured for Christ – based on the 1967 best-selling book by the same name — is screened at Eastwood Baptist Church. It was produced by The Voice of the Martyrs and is presented by OnBuzz and Voice of the Martyrs.Invite your friends and family to this screening of Tortured for Christ where you will watch this amazing true story unfold and learn how persecuted believers all around the world can be supported.
Tickets are $9 per person and can be purchased at