Have you ever felt God correcting you about something? Not long ago that happened to me.He showed me I had let my role as Children’s Director become a job and duty to perform. As a result, I realized I was sharing my limited love instead of God’s love in my ministry.
Obviously, there is no comparison. I knew things had to change and the next step was clear. I had to confess and repent of my sin; but repentance can’t be taken lightly. According to 2 Corinthians 7:10, true repentance comes from some kind of discontentment. “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings regret.” That’s it: Sorrow – Sorrow for not seeing others through God’s eyes. Sorrow for falling below God’s standard.
“Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings regret.”
Praise God! He doesn’t give up on us when we lose sight of His standard. In His grace He calls it to our attention. His Word tells how to get back on track. That’s the grace of repentance.
Please lift up these Children’s Ministry special activities throughout the summer.
June 11 & 25: VBS Outreach (We need to find lots of children.)
June 27-30: Vacation Bible School (2 locations EBC and Autumn Ridge Apartments)
July 5-8: Kids’ Kamp at CrossTimbers (completed grades 3 – 6)
August 1-3: Children’s Day Camp at Tulakogee (completed grades 1 & 2)