Merry Christmas! It’s hard to believe it’s already the Christmas season, but it is! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know I did. It was nice to spend some extra time with the family and to relax and ponder on all the blessings the Lord has blessed me with. It’s been a great year for our family. Being back in Tulsa and Eastwood has been great. We have had a great year in youth ministry. We have not only done a lot of great spiritual activities, but we also have had some nice growth, numerically and spiritually.
On December 27th, there will be a mission team from Eastwood that will head to Lesotho, Africa to minister to the Basotho people. We will be working with International Board Missionaries Jim and Teresa Flora. They are featured in this year’s Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. The team will be made up of Me, Taylor and Jackson Clinton, and Jack Lyons. We will be doing seven days of Backyard Bible clubs, adult bible study, and evangelism and sharing of our personal testimonies in 7 different villages. I’d like to thank everyone who donated financially toward the trip and who will be praying for us. We covet your prayers! I know the Lord will bless it.
As I think about the New Year, 2016, I look forward to seeing what the Lord will do through Eastwood Baptist Church! I’m looking forward to the folks who will pray to receive Christ next year, to the folks who will be disciples next year, and I’m looking forward to new membership growth next year! Do you have an attitude of expectancy? Are you asking the Lord to reveal His plan for your life for 2016? Let’s ask the Lord to move and work in amazing ways in 2016!
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Love, Bro. Doug