30 Days of Thanks
Thanks. Thank you. Thanks a lot. Thank you very much. These are all statements of thanks we use throughout the course of our day. Many times, it is just the quick acknowledgement of a small deed done like holding the door open, allowing you to go first, receiving a complement, etc. Normally we really feel grateful and have heart-felt emotions of thanks when someone has helped us during a time of loss or stress, or at a time of celebration. So thanks and giving of thanks should be a significant part of our lives.
Psalm 9:1 “I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.”
Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”
Thanks Challenge
For several years now, people have been taking the month of November and doing a 30-days of thanks challenge. Truly this is not hard. There is so much we have to be thankful about. However, the challenge is more than posting a daily social media picture or statement. It’s more about growing in your fellowship with God and expressing love and appreciation to those around you. Life is better together.What would life look like without the people God has placed in your life? Even more terrible to think what life would be like without God?
I challenge you to take the month of November and do 30-days of thanks.
A challenge to thank God & others every day
- Thank your employer for providing a job.
- Thank the person bagging your groceries.
- Thank your pastor for leading the church and preaching the Truth.
- Thank someone who has been kind to you this week.
- Thank your garbage collector.
- Thank someone who isn’t expecting thanks.
- Thank someone living with you (cookies are always a nice touch).
- Thank the next customer service representative you speak with.
- Thank someone who has prayed for you.
- Thank an author whose books have impacted you.
- Thank your elementary school teacher.
- Thank someone who’s been on your mind but you haven’t thanked yet.
- Thank someone who has watched out for you in the past.
- Thank a custodian for tirelessly cleaning other people’s messes.
- Thank the person who preps your meals (or who taught you to cook).
- Thank your Sunday School teacher (either yours or your kids’).
- Thank the person who taught you how to handle your finances.
- Thank someone who has been mean to you.
- Thank your family doctor.
- Thank your neighbor for the first thing that comes to mind.
- Thank someone who doesn’t hear a lot of thanks.
- Thank the person who helped you get your first job.
- Thank an artist whose music leads you in worship.
- Thank the person who first introduced you to Jesus.
- Thank your mail delivery person.
- Thank your congressman/congresswoman.
- Thank your worship leader.
- Thank a friend for being your friend.
- Thank your local police or fire department.
- Thank someone who has nurtured your faith.
onethingalone.com #30daysofthanks