Imagine for a moment that you are sitting in church, worshipping your Savior and Lord Jesus Christ and studying His Holy Word together with friends and family when suddenly law enforcement agencies interrupt the church, beat church members, insult and swear at you and demand that believers renounce their faith. What Would You Do?
Would you sign the “get out of jail free” card stating you would not continue to meet with other Christians, share your faith or engage in Christian activities? If you sign the card and recant your faith in Christ not only have you turned your back on the One who gave his very life for you but you still get to have secret police spy on you and harass you and your family every day. If you don’t sign, you will be arrested with fabricated charges and put in prison.
Christians are Still Being Persecuted Around the World
The Voice of the Martyrs reports, “In more than 40 nations around the world today Christians are being persecuted for their faith. In some of these nations it is illegal to own a Bible, to share your faith in Christ, change your faith or teach your children about Jesus. Those who boldly follow Christ, in spite of government edict or radical opposition, can face harassment, arrest, torture and even death. Yet Christians continue to meet for worship and to witness for Christ, and the church in restricted nations is growing”.
It’s Time to Make a Difference
Our comfort zone of witnessing to the lost pales in comparison to the persecuted Christian in the rest of the world. We are free to assemble together in worship, to share our faith with anyone we meet, to give a Bible or religious materials to another without fear of prison, loss of a job, or worse.
The Voice of the Martyrs founder, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, endured such persecution in communist Romania. He was arrested by the secret police on his way to perform a wedding at his church. Imprisoned and tortured for 14 years he was finally ransomed for $10,000 and released to the West where he told his story that shocked the world in his book “Tortured for Christ”.
Movie Night
Join us for the Movie “Tortured for Christ” being shown at Eastwood Baptist Church on Wednesday, August 22ndat 6:30 pm. Invite your friends and family to this world premiere of Tortured for Christ where you will watch this amazing true story unfold and learn how persecuted believers all around the world can be supported.
Tickets are available online or at the door for $9. Every ticket purchase receives a free copy of the book “Tortured for Christ” by mail after the movie showing. All proceeds go to help the persecuted church.