An invitation to an event always has an anticipation factor. No matter if it’s opening day of baseball, a surprise birthday party, an anniversary or retirement. In just a few weeks, we’ll be celebrating graduates in May and receive invitations to June weddings. There is nothing more exciting than the invitation to a wedding or the announcement of the birth of a baby. All these events are deeply personal. They fill us with joy and something that we share with everyone we can.
How different is an invitation to church? You will probably already downplay any similarities. But let’s keep our hearts open to what the Lord can do in someone’s life. Last week, you might not have noticed something very special that happened during the worship service. A first-time guest came to Eastwood. In fact, the man had been invited many times. For several years, in fact, the young lady that invited him over and over continually asked for others to join her in praying for this man. Weekly she would bring this request up in her Bible Study class. Weekly the class would pray for this man. Last week, that man came to church! I will not soon forget the expression of joy that she had when she saw the man at church for the first time.
God is certainly at work in both of their lives. But different than a wedding, a party or the start of baseball, her invitation to church has an eternal impact. We don’t know all that God is doing in that man’s heart. Nor do we know his spiritual condition. Yet, the truth of God’s Word and His Gospel was shared openly. I know she and her class will continue to pray for this man. I believe we will see him again.
A gospel conversation or inviting someone to church has that eternal impact. This week, as you are out and about, ask the Lord to either bring to mind one person you can share with or invite, or that you would meet someone that you share with or invite. We are called that…Invite Your One. Just one person. One person each week. One person that you will begin to pray for, to share with, and to invite.
So…who is your one?