“I’m done with church. Why do I need to go to church when sermons are available online?”, said a church member to his pastor. In today’s technologically advanced, information at your fingertips, modern society this seems like a reasonable question. Churches who invest in a broadcast ministry often have their services streamed live on their website, Facebook, and YouTube, have a weekly blog and weekly podcast available on three platforms as well as an awesome app that makes all content accessible in one place. With so much good content available from your church, why not sit at home? Here’s why. Community.
The mission of broadcast ministry is to reach those outside your church. It’s an evangelistic tool to reach those without Christ with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s a growth tool to help people find you who may never drive past your physical location. It’s a communication tool to engage with members who in turn share content with their friends and family. What it is not is an excuse to sleep in and sit on your couch during worship (unless you’re sick, of course, or homebound ).
Corporate worship requires assembling together to sing praises, study God’s word, pray for one another, minister to one another’s needs, hold each other accountable, and disciple one another. This can only happen in community.
So, while you’re growing in community with your church, don’t forget about the mission of the church to evangelize the lost and reach those without hope. You are an important part of the broadcast ministry. Here’s how you can help.
Download our App for Apple and Google 
Our newly revised free App will be the hub of everything that is happening at Eastwood Tulsa. You will definitely want this on the front screen of your smartphone. You’ll get:
- daily notifications to keep you encouraged and inspired
- direct connection to Bible reading
- prayer request information
- Church calendar of events
- and both audio and video teaching
This App will be the hub of everything that is happening at Eastwood. We will use our church App not just as an internal church communication method but also as a major tool for outreach and evangelism.
Enter “ewtulsa app” to connect with us inside the app.
Subscribe to our Podcast
This weekly podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Podbean and in video format on our YouTube channel and airs every Wednesday with hosts Jeremy Rhodes and Pastor Gordon Small. Every week, we take our Sunday message, or maybe another topic altogether, and talk about it in a relaxed setting and hopefully help you take the truths from Sunday, and bring them alive on every other day of the week.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We have an Eastwood Tulsa YouTube channel! You can share and watch sermons on the go in the YouTube app or on your computer. When you subscribe and click the notification bell it will let you know when we upload new content. It’s a great way to connect with us here at Eastwood Tulsa and have all the sermon series at your fingertips. Just search “Eastwood Tulsa” and you will find all the videos from Fruit of the Spirit, Listen, Fishers of Men, Seeking God and our new Podcast.
Subscribe to our Blog
We want to keep you in the know! Subscribe to our blog to read articles, news, devotions, and more right in your inbox!
Subscribe Today >> http://bit.ly/BlogEastwoodTulsa
Connect with us on Social Media
Like or follow our accounts and engage with us there! We want to hear what you have to say.
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FacebookEastwoodTulsa
Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramEastwoodTulsa
Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterEastwoodTulsa
Technology continues to advance quickly and people are using social media throughout the day. Let’s do our part to make it a positive, encouraging, safe place for people to spend their time.