When Moses first encountered God in the wilderness, he was completely unprepared for what was about to happen (Exodus 3). Seeing the bush burning and not consumed caught his attention. But when he approached the bush he unexpectedly came into the presence of God. This encounter was literally life-changing for Moses and later the entire Hebrew nation.
I wonder sometimes if we have the same approach to the presence of God as Moses did. As if we go through our day, caught up in our own world not recognizing God is here, wanting to be a part of our lives.
When Moses entered the presence of God, the Lord stopped him. “Take your sandals off your feet, for the place that you stand is holy ground.” (Exodus 3:5) See, Moses could not enter this place the same way that he entered every other place that he went. No, this place was different. This place was a holy place; a place set apart to meet God.
I have caught myself many times going in and out of church just like I would go to the mall or the gym or to a restaurant. I take no thoughts to prepare myself for what I am about to do. Thus, I have no expectation of the worship service.
If you are a businessman and have an important business deal on the table before you enter that meeting you have fully prepared yourself for every aspect of the deal. You are ready to give an answer to any question. You know if this deal closes, you will gain greatly. You walk into the meeting with an expectation of closing the deal and receiving all the benefits that come with it.
Why is it then if we will prepare like this in the marketplace that we do little to no preparation in coming to church, especially in coming into God’s presence with worship?
We are coming before a very Holy God. One who loves us more than words express. One who is worthy of our lives, our praise, and our devotion. John 4:23 says: “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.”
The Father is seeking us to worship Him. That is what happened to Moses. The Lord was seeking him and He got his attention. Because of Jesus, the invitation to worship the Lord is an open invitation. Come often and always to worship God in spirit and truth. Come prepared. Come with an open heart to receive. Come with an expectation that you will meet with God. If we as a church came to worship with that expectation, there is no doubt in my mind that we will not only experience God ourselves but we would see God move in our families and our community.
Moses needed God. The Hebrews needed God’s deliverance. We need God. And our city, nation, and this world need God and His deliverance. Let’s give the Lord our very best and let’s worship Him with all that we have.
God bless you.
Jeremy Rhodes