“It is in small groups that people can get close enough to know each other, to care and share, to challenge and support, to confide and confess, to forgive and be forgiven, to laugh and weep together, to be accountable to each other, to watch over each other and to grow together. Personal growth does not happen in isolation. It is the result of interactive relationships. Small groups are God’s gift to foster changes in character and spiritual growth.” Dr. Gilbert Bilezikian
10 Reasons to Join a Small Group
- Small groups are the perfect place to pray with and for others.
- Small groups are the perfect place to share one another’s burdens. Galatians 6:2
- Small groups are the perfect place to study the Bible and grow in faith, knowledge, and service.
- Small groups are the perfect place to experience authentic relationships in God’s family of like believers.
- Small groups are the perfect place to bring your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers and introduce them to Christ.
- Small groups are the perfect place to study His Word and to be in prayer, we do this individually but we are also to do it in community.
- Small groups are the perfect place to become better servants of the Lord by developing skills in leadership and ministry.
- Small groups are the perfect place to be discipled and make disciples. Matthew 28:18-20
- Small groups are the perfect place to learn first-hand how to share Christ with loved ones, co-workers and strangers.
- Small groups are the perfect place to put into practice the teaching you are receiving from Eastwood Tulsa.
So, small groups are the perfect place to be with one another! Dr. Gilbert Bilezikian points out:
“Community is deeply grounded in the nature of God. It flows from who God is. Because he is community, he creates community. It is his gift of himself to humans. Therefore, the making of community may not be regarded as an optional decision for Christians. It is a compelling and irrevocable necessity, a binding divine mandate for all believers at all times.”
Small Groups List Spring 2019
Small Groups launch Sunday, February 24th. We will finish in May. Please sign up for a group location nearest to your home or interest group.
Sundays @ 10:00 am “Bible Study” at Tulsa Nursing Center – Nick Hawkins
Sundays @ 5:00 pm “Biblical Stories” Steve Fisher in Broken Arrow
Sundays @ 6:00 pm “Prayers of the Bible” Small/Bauer location TBD
Sundays @ 4:30 “Prayer Group” Craig and Emily Spencer Midtown Tulsa
Sundays @ 5:30 pm “Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die” Bob & Betty Fisher in Tulsa
Mondays @ 7:00 pm “Biblical Stories” J.C. Herring in Tulsa
Mondays @ 7:00 pm “Experiencing God” (Men’s Group) Jeremy Rhodes in Tulsa *starts January 7th 2019
Mondays @ 9:00 pm “XA Students Zoom Virtual Group” Jeremy Rhodes
Tuesdays @ 6:30 – 8:30 pm “Men’s Basketball” Corey Shannon in the Gym
Wednesdays @ 6:30 am at Mom’s Diner “Bible and Breakfast” (Men’s Group) Craig Spencer
1stWednesday @ 10:00 am “Women on Mission” Shirley Ward in Tulsa
Wednesdays 10:00 am “Biblical Stories” (Men’s Group) Jerry Rhodes in Tulsa
Wednesdays 10:00 am “Biblical Stories” (Men’s Group) Gordon Small in Tulsa
Wednesdays @ 3:30 pm “Prayer Group” at Tulsa Nursing Center – Gene Black
Thursdays @ 1:30 pm “Experiencing God” Jeremy Rhodes @ Eastwood Tulsa
Saturday’s @ 7:00 am “Run and Walk Club” Jeremy Rhodes in Tulsa
Date & Time TBD “Ladies Home Prayer Group” Helen Merritt
Sign up for your small group today!