The History of Easter
Did you know the word Easter isn't even in the Bible. No one knows for certain when people began observing the resurrection of Jesus Christ as a holiday, although some evidence points to the second century or earlier.
Did you know the word Easter isn't even in the Bible. No one knows for certain when people began observing the resurrection of Jesus Christ as a holiday, although some evidence points to the second century or earlier.
Being the Difference 3/10/19 Powerful Message, Audio only! Due to a power surge, our video from Sunday was corrupted, but don’t miss this important message! Being the Difference Part 1: Life-changing Lives 3-10-19 Follow along with sermon notes on the You Version Bible App...
Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Not because of decorations, presents, or the promise of snow but because of the celebration of a child who was born to save me from a life without hope, without love, and without life everlasting. Jesus Christ, the hope of the world has come and...
Episode #20: Recognizing the Messiah Part 2 Facial recognition software is all the rage right now. Have you ever thought about what Jesus really looked like? How do we recognize Jesus as the Messiah? These questions are all explored in this episode of the Eastwood Tulsa Podcast. Point 3 The...
As Christians, we recognize that our beloved country is in turmoil and needs a spiritual reawakening. The kind that leads to true repentance and genuine revival. Jesus said very specifically to go and make disciples of all nations but we have to begin first in our Jerusalem. It’s not that one...
Episode #12: Blind Spots Jesus, Our Refuge Throwing Stones What are some blind spots that can afflict us? Being judgmental, hypocrisy, selfishness, bitterness, religiosity, bias, lack of knowledge, pride, routine, inflexibility, negativity, prejudice, a tone of voice, mannerisms. Once God...
Blind Spots: Throwing Stones 10/14/18 Blind spots hinder us from seeing something that is otherwise visible. It’s there but we don’t see it! We want to help you see clearly and help you self-examine the things that may be hindering your vision. Follow along with sermon notes on the You Version...
Faithful Followers Have you ever wondered what it was like to be one of Jesus’ disciples and followers? Simple people leading ordinary lives suddenly thrown into a miraculous supernatural world! Imagine the miracles they witnessed, the teachings they heard and the amazing example of love they...
We want to help you listen and obey the Word of God. Watch Part 3 in the series "Listen".
A Great Story Darkness blankets the sky at midday. The fight has been long and hard. Sweat and blood now soak the ground of the parched earth of the battlefield. The stench of impending death now permeates the air. Our heroin’s life hangs in the balance. Will good triumph or will evil win the...