
Three NEW Volunteer Opportunities

Lindbergh Reading Partners

March 25 – April 29, 2021
3:30 – 4:30 pm
Eastwood Baptist Church

Lindbergh Elementary School has a crucial need in the lives of Kindergarteners, 1st and 2nd graders. All of these students are way behind in their reading skills. They are so far behind that they run the risk of falling into a very dangerous category. Current stats show that if a student does not finish 2nd grade with basic reading skill and comprehension that over 50% will drop out of school, not finishing high school.

To meet this need, we are partnering with Lindbergh to create a 6 week reading partner program. We will pair adults and teenagers with these young students to read with them for one hour. This program will start Thursday, March 25 from 3:30-4:30pm and run weekly for those 6 weeks. Over 90 students need to program now!

Sign up now to volunteer to read with a child and make a difference in the the learning process for a young life.

Reading Skills at Risk

Parenting Class

March 25 – April 29, 2021
3:30 – 4:30 pm
Eastwood Baptist Church

As a part of this program, we will be working with Agape to provide a Parenting class for parents. Since the majority of students at Lindbergh are Hispanic, we will offer the class in Spanish. If we have English speaking parents we will also offer the class as well. These classes will be at the same time as the reading program.

Good News Club

March 25 – April 29, 2021
3:30 – 4:30 pm
Eastwood Baptist Church

We know that a lot of these families have additional children in a different age group, so Cheryl Baker, our interim Children’s minister, is creating a Good News Club for those children during this same time. We will be able to minister to the entire family!

The great thing is this entire program will be held in our church building. It takes all the limits off, and the school is excited and ready to send the students. So the question that lays before us Eastwood…Are You Available? Are you available to be used by God to make a difference in the life of a young student.
Thank you for taking one hour a week to read with a child! For more information, please call 918-836-8686.